
Daily Prompt: If you could un-invent something, what would it be? Why? Are there potential repercussions, or a possible alternative?

I thought about this long and hard. Going through all the things I could think of, but so much of it is useful or has been in some way a progression our species. I thought about guns and weapons, the internet and our obsessions, religion and God. But all of it feels necessary with it’s absence something would be created to replace it. I was stumped.

Then money popped into my head.

It's All About The Dollars!

It’s All About The Dollars!

Humans are inherently greedy. It makes sense, at least from an evolutionary stand point. However money has allowed us to count are greed. We can literally count how much we are worth to the world. We have become obsessed with money and value and accumulation. We always want more, more money, more things, more something. Nothing is enough, there is always something better.

That kind of thinking isn’t all bad, we need to think that way to progress, to be better. But maybe if money wasn’t around we wouldn’t be so obsessed with things and the accumulation of wealth. Maybe we would think more about our intrinsic value, our value to the world. How much we know, or can do, or have done. Art and creativity might be more highly valued instead of stuff.

I realize that the world would be vastly different without money, and in all likelihood we would replace it with some sort of alternative because things have to cost something. Who knows maybe we might eventually reach a point in our society where money is cast aside, where wealth is thought of differently. Maybe our greed will shift to the pursuit of happiness instead of the pursuit of accumulating the means to buy happiness.


3 thoughts on “Undone

  1. I think that the idea of bartering for a token is one that did spawn a lot of good as well. Writing systems and math, for one, but also it allowed for complex trade routes. I sometimes feel as you do though, money seems to be something that everyone loves and hates. Redistribution of wealth could a solution? I do like the idea of making ideas a form of currency though. We need a blogger commune, gosh darn it!


    • That’s an interesting idea! I have little faith in the redistribution of wealth because humans by nature are greedy and there will always be people wanting more, and as I said that isn’t always a bad thing but maybe stuff is not what we should amass.
      It’s more of a fun idea aiming above the shackles of reality, like using ideas as currency


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