Who I Am.

It’s difficult to convey volume through writing, so take my word for it, I am LOUD. I am more liable to yell than to whisper says my girlfriend. I thought instead of trying to yell at people my poems and stories, or putting photos in a gallery where I am usually shushed, I would put them on the internet for everyone to see. I have been a creative person from the start, I was drawing since before I can remember, telling stories since I could talk and I have always enjoyed an audience. Mind you these ‘stories’ were more blatant lies in order to be included in conversation but that’s beside the point.

Throughout school I enjoyed art class and English almost equally, despite the weird or stuffy teachers, I could be found buried in a book, both novel and sketch. I’m always finding new ideas or inspiration around me and I can’t bottle it up anymore. My time on exchange in France taught me that, (I took thousands of pictures in only a few weeks). University has also taught me a lot, mostly about drinking and girls, but experience is experience.

I want my creative expressions out there, so read on and chase (follow) me if you please. If you’re feeling especially opinionated comment, I dare you!

Contact Info

Email: jmatikx@gmail.com

Other Blogs:

A Boy and His Toys

A Boy and His Camera


3 thoughts on “Who I Am.

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